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Working as opposed to waiting

A cliché that has been quite commonly used by ladies of faith when they are still single is that, “I am waiting on the Lord for the right one". Correct as this statement maybe it has the effect of shifting perspective from working on oneself and growing in faith, to literally just waiting and looking out. I have been one of the many people who were guilty of this "waiting on the Lord" phenomenon. Don't get me wrong, it is good to be with the person that God intends you to be with, but the means that gets you to that place is just as important. As I said, I was waiting for someone to come in and all of a sudden, all would be right in my life and everything would have meaning and I would be happy and confident and able to interact with others. So when someone came into my life and had one or two qualities from my infamous "list", I would be hooked, left right and centre. My waking moment came after hearing countless sermons, way after being told that the actions during the wait where the most edifying you would get. So now, to get to the point, I thought of the life of Ruth. When Boaz saw Ruth, it's not like she was prepared for it or waiting for him to see her. That is besides it. She was going about her business trying to make her living for her mother in law Naomi and herself. It was at that moment, when she was truly in her element working hard, not regarding anything else but what her mission was, which was to survive and feed her mother-in-law and herself that her Boaz saw her. Esther, a very obedient lady who followed the instructions of Mordecai and the Eunuch before she met her King is also another embodiment of what I am trying to say. Obedience comes first, then follows purpose awakening and all else follows after that. It was really hard for me to fathom these facts, being a hopeless romantic who thought having a man in her life was going to solve all her problems, so I tried to ignore it for the longest time and carve out my own future. In all instances, it involved a ridiculous amount of effort from me trying to perpetuate these self-made situations. I then realized, that to the modern young lady, this would mean working on your relationship with God and finding your purpose in God before all else. We tend to lose ourselves in relationships more often than not because our very own foundation is not that strongly lodged in God. I now perceive that if I seek ye first the kingdom of God, that is a relationship with God and the purpose that comes from him, a soulmate will subsequently find me when God deems me ready. Looking at all the women of valor in the word, their partners became a means through which God brought forward a certain agenda and touched different aspects of life. I know it is hard to seek first when all the conventions of society are telling you otherwise, but it is the most prudent thing to do. It's never easy, which builds character and faith and perseverance and most importantly, you get to know which race God wants you to run. Hold fast to God, look to Him, trust in Him! For in due season, when you are ready, when God sees that the time is right, He will bring forth your soulmate.

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