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Go Forth

Good News Translation Hebrews 10:9-10 Then he said, “Here I am, O God, to do your will.” So God does away with all the old sacrifices and puts the sacrifice of Christ in their place. Because Jesus Christ did what God wanted him to do, we are all purified from sin by the offering that he made of his own body once and for all. We live according to the precedent set by Jesus when He came down to earth to die for our sins. So, as I was going through Hebrews 10, the above two verses really stood out to me, because they got me thinking; what if Jesus had refused to be in the will of God? Where would we be? He, being God; humbled himself to come and be a sacrifice for our transgressions and reunite us to Him because of the love He had for us.

So, looking at my own life, I began wondering... How often have I put convinience ahead of God's agenda and His will over my life. It could have been a situation where He needed me to just speak with someone or be a little more considerate and loving, but I put my own perceptions ahead of that. If Jesus is the precedent for the life I now lead, if it is nolonger I but Christ who lives in me, don't I ought to be ok loving when I feel stretched or to go outside my comfort zone pursuing the will of God.

Think of it this way, what if God was wanting to use your life to transform an entire nation for the better but that would entail you going through tideous seasons of little rest and even very little sustenance to get by. Would you hold fast and get with God's programme or would you settle for the familiar and safe and choose immediate comfort over your life's calling? Ofcourse God will always find a way to bring deliverance to His people, but what future glory have you forgone for just a season of comfort. God is calling us to come out of our comfort zones and dare to go forth and live in His will.

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