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The most romantic love letter

In every relationship there comes a point where either partner has to be reassured of the other’s commitment and love. In as much as love is shown in the everyday actions, as humans we yearn to hear that tangible “I love you”, which reassures us of our partner’s continued commitment. I personally think it’s because of our fickle human nature that needs constant validation.

I have come to realize that the same principle applies to our relationship with God. In as much as we have a head knowledge of the fact that He will always love us, we sometimes get so overwhelmed and we overlook it. As humans, we become hungry for that validation and reassurance that He still sees us and He hasn’t changed His mind about us.

For me, this was such a big revelation because I thought I would automatically perceive God’s love for me and the fact that He was still there walking with me and paving a way for me. I came to a point where in spite of my relationship with God I felt overwhelmed, alone, rejected and I felt as though everything was conspiring against me. This broke me down. At the back of my mind though remained that one still small voice telling me that I had to spend time with Him and have Him fill me up again to quiet the storm within me. After much thought I decided to humor the voice in the back of my head and spend time with Him by reading His word. I prayed that through His word He would drop something in my spirit about where I was and the turmoil in my head. I came across these verses in scripture from the book of Isaiah,

“But you, Israel, are my servant. You’re Jacob, my first choice, descendants of my good friend Abraham. I pulled you in from all over the world, called you in from every dark corner of the earth, Telling you, ‘You’re my servant, serving on my side. I’ve picked you. I haven’t dropped you.’ Don’t panic. I’m with you. There’s no need to fear for I’m your God. I’ll give you strength. I’ll help you. I’ll hold you steady, keep a firm grip on you.”

Isaiah 41:8-10 MSG

All of a sudden, the pressure I had previously felt mounting began to dissipate. I became lighter and I was at peace knowing that He had me. It is then that I realized that the Bible was in fact filled with love letters from God to us. It has the effect of reassuring us of God’s constant presence and the love He will always have for us that is unchanging. What stood out for me was the fact that God gives us constant validation in the best way possible, His word. Always ready and waiting for us.

So in this my biggest take away was that, just as we need constant reassurance in our earthly relationships; it’s ok to also need the same from God. And He knew this when He gave us His love letter, the Bible which is a remedy for all our shortcomings and ailments.

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