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Turning point in the face of anxiety

The moment you decide to commit yourselfJesus, something turns; if you would want to call it the evil in the world or attacks I don’t know. It seems from that moment that everything around you and even some thoughts planted in your head at times are trying to pull you down and make you turn back. Some even appeal to your desire to try and please God, trying to make you border on religion and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. We see Eve in the garden of Eden being tempted by the devil using her desire to try to be godly.

The same happens to us at times, we develop anxiety and even depression trying to figure out what God wants us to do, and how would I know, because I was living it, less than 24 hours ago. You see, I am a 24(soon to be 25) year old lady working in an IT company, so far out from the place I long to be; that is working in the social justice field.

In light of this, and seeing people around me succeed I got frustrated naturally because I didn’t see any progress in my own life. I looked around me and it seemed that everyone else had what they wanted. But then after a long lecture from my sister and praying I realized something I think God wants and needs us to know. Don’t get so caught up looking at the lives of others that you fail to see the grace and blessings of God in your own life. God is more concerned about who you are than where you are. You have to learn to praise God even when you feel like you are in the middle of nowhere.

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