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Set a standard

The area that usually robs you of your joy is the area in which you need to set a standard.

What standard have you tried to set recently that the world just couldn't understand? Have you let that discouragement stop you from going ahead with that standard? I am one to admit that the world in some instances has affected the standard that I set for myself and how I hope God will use me on my time on earth. The one thing that I failed to perceive was that my standard stood so far out from what people were used to.

I'm coming to see that the nature of humanity is ingrained in experiences. Thus, this means that when you approach a person who has never had familiarity with a certain agenda or idea, they find it difficult to wrap their minds around it because it stands outside their scope of what constitutes as reality.

As children of God we need to realize that our standard has always been and will always be Jesus. As He came down here to walk amongst us, like one of us; He set the precedent of what must constitute as reality for each and every one of us Christ followers. Gleaning from the life of Jesus on earth, I see that He stood unmovable in terms of His measure of right and wrong. It was all based on the word of God. But now, the biggest hurdle we have is that we have tried to dilute and or dull down the standard set in the word to try and fit the worldly standard and to conform in a sense. Through and through we see that Jesus broke down barriers and demystified the truths that people had set for themselves as their standards of living. God wants us to live the same way in order for us to stop limiting the potential of His move in our lives.

We tend to run to certain people who we think might have the truth on what we are experiencing. We want some form of solace, to know that we are not alone and that everything will be ok. In our bid to gain comfort we run from Him that has all the comfort and reaffirmation we need and settle for a counterfeit that will always leave us wanting and most often than not will leave our spirits broken and crushed. It is amazing how God is constantly showing us that He is all we need and we fail to perceive it, because we want, no we crave that tangible worldly comfort. So, today, what does your experience say about your situation. They say experience is the best teacher which is true in some situations but is not for universal application. What experiences are you letting govern the risks you take or the move you allow God to have in your life.

I'll leave you with this. God stands as the one without limits, the one who moves in ways that we are unaccustomed to seeing constantly. Why let the world which is filled with experiences of heartache, hurt and brokenness set the standard of how you live your life, a standard of what constitutes as reality when you have a God that stands beyond limitation waiting on you, to completely transform your world and give you difference?

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