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God cares for us and He wants us to always know that He is our sustenance. Regardless of what we might face, regardless of how hopeless a situation might feel; He is always there. I have been in a season where it might be a bit difficult to comprehend the fact that God is always our sustenance and then, "coincidentally"(not really a coincidence, at just the perfect timing), I stumbled upon Isaiah 46:4

4 I am your God and will take care of you until you are old and your hair is gray. I made you and will care for you; I will give you help and rescue you.

With age, I am honestly seeing the reality of this. The problem many of us(me included at times) get is that the small seed of doubt is planted in our minds and hearts because of external influences and it lingers to the point that it cripples our ability to see God as our sustenance. We begin to exist in a "worldly reality" and forget that we were called for a higher calling and that He who gave us those desires and that purpose will sustain them.

I am increasingly becoming aware that the moment we let the worldly reality rob us of that unwavering faith that God will sustain us, the more we suffer from anxiety and stress. The more we are likely to make decisions out of fear, lacking the clarity that we need. I encourage you lay it all down and be ready to see God being all that you need. Never limit Him! Please don't, because He wants to do immeasurably above what you would hope for or expect. You can also read the rest of Isaiah 46 which is rich with promises of how God will always be what you need. It surely came to me right when i needed it the most and transformed the way I was looking at and thinking of where I am right now.

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